Archive for July 12th, 2006

Superman Returns

I can’t help it, I’m addicted. In a few hours I’m going to see Superman Returns for the third time. I’ll probably see it a couple more times this Summer. Every once in a while a film comes along that makes you feel five years old, and for anyone who was blown away by the Christopher Reeves films as a kid, Superman Returns is it.

From the opening credits that show Moses’s — I mean, baby Superman’s perilous journey to Earth, to the moment Lois Lane spots a familiar blue and red streak flying to her rescue, to the moment at the end when… well, go see it for yourself — this film’s a time machine.

Of course, nothing’s perfect. Here’s something that’s been bugging me ever since I saw it in the theater at the age of 5:

What the hell was that? Never in my comic-book-reading life have I known Superman to have lame cellophane weapons that incapacitate villains for all of two seconds. Like me, you’ll be glad to know that Superman Returns is cellophane-free.