Warm up for the upcoming elections by voting for Candorville in another reader poll! If you live in North Carolina or you read the Raleigh News & Observer, go to the News & Observer’s website and vote for them to KEEP CANDORVILLE.
If you don’t care about the other strips they’re mentioning, then only check the Candorville box.Candorville didn’t have an easy time getting into the N&O, since the week it debuted in that big Southern paper, we were running a pretty blunt “Closeted Gay Republican Hypocrites” series. The readership was bitterly divided in the N&O forums, but a perceptive editor realized that meant people would read it every day; even if only to have something to complain about.
But over time, editors sometimes tire of the hate mail controversial comics generate, so they need these polls and any positive comments readers feel like sending to remind them why they originally thought it would be worth the trouble. If you want to see Candorville remain in the Raleigh News & Observer, you’ve got to remind them now.
You & your family can vote up to five times per computer.