Friending Sasha Mitchell, part 5
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June 10th, 2011

Friending Sasha Mitchell, part 5

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Discussion (6)¬

  1. Michael Ventrella says:


  2. SuburbanEcology says:

    By the way, my copy of "The Starbucks at the End of the World" just arrived.

    Thanks! 🙂

  3. SuburbanEcology says:

    You know, there IS a place on FB where you can say whether you're married, single, divorced, gay, etc.

    If people would only tell the truth (ha!) and USE it, misunderstandings like this wouldn't happen.

    Lemont should have checked Sasha's marital status first, as soon as she friended him — not her pictures.

    As for the little ones, he's just in denial.

    Oy. Sorry for the rant. 🙂

    • Darrin Bell says:

      He should've, but he's been waiting for those pictures for so long, he got tunnel vision.

  4. ChayaFradle says:

    I love Lemont's sleeping cap. A- DOOR- able! Totally!