Razing Arizona
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May 2nd, 2012

Razing Arizona

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Discussion (5)¬

  1. Joe Mama says:

    Susan is driving, and may have less linguistic acuity than usual. It's more of a meme than slang. "Haters gonna hate." http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/haters-gonna-hate

  2. Chazzahra says:

    sorry for bothering, again, .. Could anyone kindly explain to me which word is considered as 'slang' in this episode, and what does the word mean? Thanks a lot..

    • ChayaFradle says:

      "Haters" is slang for prejudiced people.

    • ChayaFradle says:

      "It's all good" is slang for don't get nervous or afraid. Just be calm.

    • ChayaFradle says:

      Chazzahra, I just used a slang term on a Facebook blog I though you would like to know about. I said I "crossed my fingers", meaning I am having good thoughts/prayers that things go well.