Best Reasons to Get a Dog
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May 11th, 2012

Best Reasons to Get a Dog

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. That guy in yellow and with a yellow cap is crazily funny, he got me laughing with the strange way he thinks. Well my short haired German shepherd does not pee on the couch, he has been house trained.

  2. Debbie says:

    Dogs are more than just poop, you know. I would gladly clean up doggie doo 20 times a day if need be, just for the privilege of sharing my life with my dogs. Furthermore, I think people who don't like dogs have something seriously wrong with them. Narcissists or sociopaths. Definitely no empathy for others…

    Yours in woofs!
    Dogs and Puppies Rock

  3. Cat Person says:

    Seriously? No one dares comment? As Seinfeld asked, if aliens looked down from their spaceship at the spectacle, which species would they think is in charge here? At least with our cats, they cover it up themselves, decreasing its most repellant uh, characteristics and we only have to deal with it a couple of times a week, not twice a day.