She Shot Her Own Daughters
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July 4th, 2016

She Shot Her Own Daughters

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Discussion (2)¬

  1. IgnatiusSmiley says:

    Raging liberals never consider this. Her GUN didn’t kill her daughters. SHE kill her daughters. It was one of those freak accidents where by pointing with
    her index finger and yelling “BANG” her daughters drop dead at her feet. The gun had nothing to do with it.

  2. Karen Chaya says:

    Atom bombs for each family for protection will come next. That’s the next step up, anyway, right? Why does the NRA get to dictate what the 2nd Amendment includes? If our founding fathers had known the TYPE of weapons we would invent, the 2nd amendment would have SO been worded differently. In those days, it ONLY meant that we have the right to have an army. That is all and that is all it meant.