It Is Not Linear, part 1
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July 11th, 2011

It Is Not Linear, part 1

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Candorville Trivia: This is actually Benny Russell’s second appearance in Candorville. He’s appeared once before, in a way.

Discussion (5)¬

  1. Tovias says:

    The Benny Russell episodes of DS9 were among the best of Trek and your original mention of Mr. Russell and Buffy in the previous comic had me laughing for days when it first ran. Thanks for all of the little references you seem to put in the strip just for us Trekkies.

  2. Macushla says:

    Darrin, thanks for the link to the previous appearance! I don't know how I missed that one! Must've been during one of our many power failures or my old, hand-me-down bucket o' bolts computer's own psychotic breaks. I know I would have remembered seeing that reference to Avery Brooks' epic portrayal, not to mention learning that I'd lapsed from BtVS too soon to know it had a Roseanne-Newhart-Dallas-Oz ending!
    I can't wait for Benny's testimony!

  3. rockpopple says:

    OMG, is this a Deep Space 9 reference? Because if it's a Deep Space 9 reference, I'm seriously about to do something rude and crude in my pants.

  4. Macushla says:

    Is the Benny Russell I think would be showing up at a Trekker's custody trial that involves the fine line between delusion & reality in Lemont/Dr. Noodle/ & Benny Russell's lives? I hope so! To bring another TV ref into it, Worlds are Colliding!