Candorville comics: February 10, 2007

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Oops, still getting the hang of this Comicpress thing, forgot to upload a post for today.And yes, this is based on something real.

RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) — Dr. Robert Bohannon wants you in his world. It’s fast, upbeat, jovial and driven by caffeine — lots of it.But four to six cups of coffee a day aren’t enough for Bohannon. And he believes others share his need for more options when it comes time to pursue that caffeine buzz.So the molecular scientist who moonlights as a café owner developed a way to add caffeine to baked goods, one that eliminates the natural, bitter taste of caffeine.”This gives people the opportunity if they want to have a glass of milk and want to have caffeine. It will get them going,” Bohannon said.The amount of caffeine in his creations can vary, but Bohannon can easily put 100 milligrams of caffeine — the equivalent of a 5-ounce cup of drip-brewed coffee — into the treats he plans to market under the “Buzz Donuts” and “Buzzed Bagels” names.Bohannon, who owns Sips Coffee & Tea café in Durham, North Carolina, isn’t selling the amped-up baked goods yet.He recently began seeking patents and shopping the products to companies including Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Inc., Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks Corp. There’s no word yet on whether the companies like the idea.But with waistlines and anxiety already expanding across the nation, some observers already question whether it’s wise to combine two key sources of these problems — caffeine and calories.More…

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Darrin Bell: