Candorville: 7/8/2007- Gay Marriage is Wrong?

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Transcript:Panel One: (caption – “2007”)Conservative (to Liberal): “Gay marriage is wrong.”Panel Two: (caption – “1967”)Conservative (to Liberal peacenik): “I mean, if negras (negros) and whites can marry, it’ll ruin the whole institution!”Panel Three: (caption – “1947”)Conservative (to Liberal sailor): “By george, if I let my daughter marry a Jew, where will it end?”Panel Four: (caption – “1867”)Conservative Southerner (to Liberal): “…Pretty soon our women-folk will think they can marry Yankees!”Panel Five: (caption – “1692”)Conservative in powdered wig (to Liberal, with a stake burning in the background): “…And sweareth I, in the Lord’s name, my daughter shall never marry a left-handed boy, lest both doth burneth at the stake as witches!”Panel One: (caption – “2007”)Conservative Neanderthal (to Liberal Neanderthal – pointing at his Neanderthal daughter holding hands with an upright man): “…Grunt Moogog tsrong. Grunt oont Braaaawk!”

Darrin Bell:

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  • This is SOOOOOOOOOO funny! I'm glad you revisited this one because I didn't see it before today. I must have missed this one.

  • Random question: I am just starting my blog, but how did you start gaining readership? was it just natural? I mean how did people start finding you?