Candorville: 8/15/2007- Terrorist Strike, part 3

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Darrin Bell:

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  • Everyman has been a worse enemy to the US than Al Queda ever was. Go to your local air terminal to get humiliated, groped, bullied, up skirt photos, goods stolen, baggage appropriated and in general treated like a criminal. The NSA insider trading from all the business information they're gathering without warrant has to be quite lucrative. Another bridge is going down. Oh, and the economy is collapsing during the quarter this comic was posted. The Wall Street Wealth Redistribution that occurs over the next two years is phenomenally larger than any Socialist has ever proposed. Six years later, we're still debating if we're in recovery or are facing a second collapse.

  • I like that the fear mongering can produce humor as well as fear. This is humorous as a take on American paranoia and people who can't think of long range effects of cutting taxes or not having them.