Candorville: 8/24/2007- Hardly Workin’ part 4

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Darrin Bell:

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  • It seems to me you’re a Barack Obama supporter. We all have our biases. I’m an Obama supporter too, so I cringed when I read that strip.

    But I don’t think it’s unfair at all. Barack Obama is a black man in America, so the irony of his saying “it’s the same” in that debate did deserve to be singled out. Yes, Clinton and even Edwards feel the same, but Obama should know better and I’m glad Darrin pointed that out. Maybe Obama will pay attention.

    One last thing, it’s not “gay marriage,” it’s just plain “marriage” or “equal marriage rights” as far as I’m concerned. Gays don’t want some sort of special marriage, they want the same thing we have. Defining it otherwise is to play into the bigots’ hands.

    One MORE last thing, I completely agree with you about Clinton. The not explaining herself well thing is something I just can't stomach after 8 years of Bush/Cheney. I want someone who's going to tell me when they were wrong, so I'm hoping for an Obama-Edwards ticket (or Edwards-Obama, I don't really care which is on top, they're both refreshingly candid).

  • Mr. Bell,

    In these trying times, I think we need to prioritize some of the issues that need to be addressed. We are in a battle to define the soul of the Democratic Party, and more importantly decide who will represent those values best. As none of the other contenders appear to have nearly enough support to take the nomination, realistically, we are deciding between Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton to represent the party.

    And, I think you will find that both Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton (as well as Sen. Edwards) share the same position on "Civil Unions".

    It is unfair and unproductive to single out one versus the other in terms of distilling our decisions on whom to support in this most important contest.

    I completely agree that *eventually* the issue of using the term "Gay Marriage" versus "Civil Unions" will need to be addressed. And you are is literally NOT the same thing.

    However, I think that you would find a better use for you time by highlighting some of the differences. For example, you could point out that Sen. Obama has shown consistent wisdom by being brave enough to oppose this war even when doing so was not a popular position, which gives his plans to systematically disengage from the war credibility.

    He has no need to avoid questions about previous inconstant positions, as Sen. Clinton has chosen to do. (Personally, I think that she COULD justify her earlier positions if she was brave enough to discuss it...but she isn't) I don't think I could bear another 4 or 8 years of listening to a leader that refuses to explain his or herself.