Candorville: 12/7/2007- Foxxx News, part 2

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An amused reader sent me an e-mail about a conservative blogger who took issue with today’s strip. From Town Hall:

The liberals hate Fox News with a passion because it is fast proving that Americans prefer not to be lied to [*ironic-licious link added -D. Bell*]. Fox brings both sides of political issues and probably have more liberal commentators on staff than do most other news services. Thus, they do not bring us only the liberal side. The liberals just can’t stand that and try to trivialize them as often as they can. More evidence that politics should be kept out of comics is “Candorville’s” Dec. 7 comic strip, which attempts to trivialize Fox News because it has many “foxes” on its staff who wear short skirts and show much cleavage, and they think that’s the reason why Fox is “whipping up on” all the other Cable stations and networks. As if all of them don’t have many foxes with short skirts and cleavage. Does this artist (and other liberals) really think we are so ignorant as to not be aware of this? Notice they also refer to it with three xes, as if the whole network is “triple-x.” Subtle. Too bad. When he stays away from politics, I actually enjoy this strip. (Candorville, 12/7/07)

All I have to say to that is…

Oh, and this…

Oh yeah, there’s also this…

Yes, I’m sure just like Lemont, all those people who somehow think we found WMD in Iraq watch Fox News for the accuracy of their reporting. I don’t know how I and “the liberals” could have been so wrong.In fact, that’s enough blogging, I have some accuracy to go watch…

Darrin Bell:

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  • If a picture is worth a thousand words, what are three pictures worth? Do the math, but I believe it multiplies exponentially. In fact, I never could figure out what it was I didn't like about the "FOXXX" NEWS. That must be it.