Archive for January, 2008

If only Bush had watched What’s Happenin’

If this sort of thing had happened in 2000, it might not have cost me nearly $40 the other day to fill up the tank on my tiny Ford Focus, two towers might still be standing in New York, and the name “Greenland” might remain an oxymoron a little bit longer:

Letter to Editor: Candorville’s mockery of bigots offends me!

A reader was kind enough to send me a copy of his letter to the editor about today’s Candorville:

Copy of Letter to the Editor-Austin American Statesman

Dear Editor:

As a white, Independent voter, I am appaled at the tastelessness of the “comic strip”, Candorville, that appeared in the Saturday Jan. 19, 2008 Austin Statesman.

This has a non-white male character talking to a non-white female character and I will quote the dialogue in it’s entirety for those who missed it.

He says, “I figured out what Obama needs to do if he wins the nomination. If he wins, you just know thousands of bigots are going bullet shopping. So he’s gotta pick a vice president that bigots’ll hate worse- Someone the bigots wouldn’t want to risk becoming president. Obviously, his running mate should be an illegal immigrant,”

To me this is patently offensive and the Statesman should not have run it. As I wrote earlier, “I’m a white, Independent voter and this appears to me to be race baiting of the worst kind.

I apologize to all my non-white friends for this bad taste on the part of the cartoonist, and the Statesman as well.

Rev. James A. Andrews D.D.

AKA Zpadre

Always nice to hear from a white person who takes it upon himself to be offended on behalf of minorities. I hear from such angels occasionally. Oddly enough, the minorities in question never seem to tell me themselves that those particular strips offend them. Thank God for the Reverend Andrews’s of the world, otherwise I’d never know that I’ve done wrong.

My response:

I often hear from readers who tell me they’re white, and that they’re offended on behalf of minorities about something I said. When, in fact, I hear almost nothing but praise for those same comics by the supposedly-aggrieved minority readers themselves. I don’t understand this phenomenon. I’m not sure I understand why you’re apologizing on my behalf. Why would you, a white person, apologize to “all your non-white friends” for something another non-white person said? Why don’t you ask THEM if they’re offended? If THEY would like an apology, by all means, direct them my way so I can correct whatever misinterpretation they’re laboring under. If you can find a single non-white friend of yours who hasn’t already thought about the danger Obama faces, I’d be surprised.

I’m also unclear on why you feel it’s race-baiting.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica online:

“Race baiting is the act of using racially derisive language, actions or other forms of communication, to anger, intimidate or incite a person or groups of people, or to make those persons behave in ways that are inimical to their personal or group interests.”

Who exactly do you think today’s cartoon was “DERISIVE” of? It wasn’t derisive of black people. It wasn’t derisive of illegal immigrants. If anyone, it was derisive of “bigots.” Now, if you’re saying today’s Candorville was trying to anger or intimidate bigots, or trying to get them to behave in a way that’s inimical to their personal or group interest (namely, trying to get them to stop being bigots), then you’ve got a point. I fail to see what’s offensive about someone deriding bigots.

Also part of the definition of “race-baiting”:

“This can also be accomplished by implying that there is an underlying race based motive in the actions of others towards the group baited, where none in fact exists.”

Are you honestly – with a straight face – going to tell me there aren’t bigots in this country who’d sooner see a black man dead than in the White House? Are you going to tell me there was no reason for Barack Obama to ask for and receive an uncommonly large contingent of secret service agents as protection? Are you going to tell me – an African American cartoonist who receives occasional death threats simply for publishing a cartoon with black characters in newspapers – that a black man running for PRESIDENT has nothing to fear?

Geek Tuesday: Iron Man animation, part 2