Candorville: 4/6/08 – Qué?

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  • Since I was never good at math, then no matter which angle you view it from, it all comes back to the same place. Porque? Porque.

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you! Hubby and I are avid Trekkies and, physics aside, we loved your cross cultural trekkie bi-lingual exchange. This is something that happens all day, every day in this metropolitan area of Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley, and all over the continents anymore. We always appreciate your work, but this was super special!

    Jacque Lamishaw

  • My best friend's mom is a spanish speaker and I'm not, but whenever we'd see each other we had those exchanges, people often marveled that we understood each other at all. Are common threads were: thrift stores, food, and my best friend. And my dad and husband are into star trek :) thanks.

  • Thanks! I'm not so sure about that, though. What they did in Star Trek IV was the "slingshot" effect. Maybe they used the wrong terminology, or maybe the term "slingshot effect" hadn't yet been cooked up, but "whiplash" has never struck me as a term that meant they'd be swinging *around* the sun. To me, it's always sounded like they simply jerk the ship away at an angle. If you swing a whip, you'll notice it's not circling anything; it's flying toward its target and then being pulled back at an angle.

  • I loved the concept of using a facination with Star Trek as a cultural bridge. However, I must point out that the idea of using a star's magnetic/gravitational attraction to create a time warp was both postulated and used in the original series episode "Tomorrow is Yesterday". ("My computations indicate that if we fly toward the sun, seek out its magnetic attraction, then pull away at full power the whiplash will propel us into another time warp.") This process was again referred to as being used in "Assignment: Earth". So Star Trek IV was only using established canon by doing it again. Thanks for listening to this (rather picky) point, and keep up the good work!