San Francisco Chronicle solicits more “Candorville” feedback!

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ATTENTION SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA READERS! AS I mentioned, the San Francisco Chronicle is substituting Candorville for Doonesbury while Garry Trudeau takes a vacation. They’re seriously considering keeping Candorville even after Doonesbury returns, but they need to hear from their readers. So far they’ve had a couple hundred responses, and readers favor Candorville by about 60% to 40%. But they want to hear from more of you, so if you want to see Candorville in the Chronicle permanently, you’ve got to write to them right now and tell them so.From the Chronicle:

For more than a century now, ever since a couple of newspaper barons tussled over a strip called the Yellow Kid in the1890s, the folks who put daily newspapers together have known that comic strips are no laughing matter. You can muckabout with a lot of things, but you’re asking for trouble with readers the minute you start mucking about with the comics.                                                               

The reason is that people take comic strips personally. That isn’t to say they don’t care about what’s on the front page,or what candidate for public office a paper endorses. But many readers develop a stronger relationship with the comics,and the stuff we call “furniture” – puzzles, Dear Abby, Miss Manners, the chess column, etc. – for the simple reason thatmany of these features appear every day and folks look forward to them as part of their morning ritual.A few weeks ago, when Garry Trudeau, the genius behind the long-running comic strip Doonesbury, decided to take a three-month break, we decided to give another strip, Candorville, a trial run until Doonesbury returns in June. While we liked Candorville, it was more important to hear from readers…We received more than 200 responses, including a few phone messages.

On Candorville, it isn’t surprising that opinions ran the gamut. The reason is simple: Virtually every comics page in the United States is a buffet table of offerings. Some strips are old-fashioned, simply drawn, others are edgier, perhaps even political, and still others are ironically dry. It isn’t surprising, for example, that one reader who wrote to suggest the return of Beetle Bailey also mentioned that she liked Blondie, Dennis the Menace and Peanuts. Other readers who tended toward the edgier strips, like Doonesburyand Candorville, also seemed to like Bliss, Brevity and the Fusco Brothers. As for Candorville, some readers knew the strip from other Bay Area papers and were hopeful that it would find apermanent home in The Chronicle. Others knew the strip and hoped it would never find a permanent home in The Chronicle.While some newcomers to the strip either liked or disliked it immediately, others weren’t opposed to it but wanted to see how it developed in the weeks ahead.                                  

In general, counting those who wanted to give the strip a chance, the votes were about 60 percent for and 40 percentagainst. Of course, as we’ve learned from the endless presidential primary season, polls are not always accurate. In this case, if we received 200 letters and e-mails, you have to assume that these are people who care deeply enough about aparticular comic strip or the page in general to write in, as opposed to just answering a poll question with a yes or no. The sample, as they say in the poll-taking business, is not large enough to be significant… 

Allow this bonehead to reassure everyone: We are told by Trudeau’s syndicate that he plans to return with new strips in June and we’re as anxious as you are to get them back into the paper. What you may be seeing in other papers are reruns, just as we rerun Peanuts as Classic Peanuts. In the meantime, there’s Candorville, drawn by Darrin Bell. A few readers said or implied that one of the reasons they like it is because its lead characters are African American. That was one of the reasons we were first attracted to it,to be sure. We want to find strips that reflect the diversity of the Bay Area, but that’s easier said than done. For one thing, there are a lot of strips of every kind out there and you’d be surprised how few of them are very good, or funny,or even well-drawn. Several times a year, we’re visited by very nice people representing the comics syndicates and theyall tell us how certain they are that some new strip will do well in our market. And several times a year, I look at them and wonder if they have any idea of what our market is. Or, in a few cases, what planet that market is on. We’re going to continue to scout the horizon for new strips and, in fact, we’ve got a few in the bullpen already. Diversity will count heavily in our selection. So will quality. But if we find something new, it’s probable that the onlyway to bring it to you every morning is by eliminating something else. That’s where the tough choices come in, but we won’t make them without your participation.                           

Do you like [Candorville]? Let us know. E-mail us at, or send me a letter at The San Francisco Chronicle, 901 Mission St., San Francisco CA 94103. 




View Comments (4)

  • While surfing your site, I noticed this message. Is it too late to contact the San Francisco Chronicle? I have read your work for a while, but I never got involved in anything before. Is it too late?

  • Thanks, I'm pretty sure Peanuts is safe. Right now there's no other strip that papers think will have universal appeal for children.

    The Chronicle did publish an announcement that Doonesbury would be on vacation for three months, but maybe publishing a daily notice on the comics page would have been a good idea, since I'm sure many readers never saw that article.

    Thanks for reading, and for commenting! I hope you'll write to the Chronicle and let them know what you think (since they probably aren't reading this blog).

  • What struck me was the lack of an explanation of why there was no doonesbury and why Candorville was substituted. I personally like and enjoy both strips and would like to see both in the Chronicle. But don't do away with Peanuts!