Where’s Cheney? part 4

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This is one of those times when lead-time can infuse a strip with unintended connotations. For instance, take today’s strip (and yesterday’s, which also featured Cheney in drag). I drew these a couple weeks before Dick Cheney came out in favor of gay marriage.

So if you think this was in any way some kind of dig at Cheney’s expression of support for equal rights for gay people, it was not. Next to somehow getting the man he shot (in the face) to apologize for having been shot (in the face) by him, I think this was Dick Cheney’s most impressive moment.

UPDATE: Funniest & most inappropriate reader comment so far:
“Could Cheney please make an appearance on ‘When Animals Attack’?”


View Comments (6)

  • The ending of the strip was so funny that I didn't even notice the incorrect usage of "you're". REALLY funny!!!!!!!! Kudos.

  • Please - - -
    You're = you are
    Your = something that belongs to or is connected to you
    Unless Lamont is also in drag, "you're Aunt Esther" doesn't make sense

    (I do love the strip - a fan ever since I lived in MI. Really, if I didn't care, I wouldn't have made the comment!)

  • Bet you'll be getting some angry emails about that! :) Do yourself a favor and set up your auto-reply about lead-time NOW. lol!! Loving your strip as always. Keep up the good work.