Fear’s Second Chance, part 4

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  • I loved your Archie Bunker/Harry & Louise, tired-old-arguments series! We gotta hit back hard this time around. Good salvo, Darrin!

  • All my HMO did poorly was to raise my premiums from $125 to $500 a month after I contracted and was treated for breast cancer. Luckily, I was able to cry, scream, beg until someone in the HMO told me there was a (little known, not advertised) "STEPS" program, which is for people who can't afford it (right now). Over a few years, the premiums would raise up again. About four years later, I was complaining about the cost of medicine and again by screaming, crying, and insisting they wanted me to die, I was told that by filling out a certain form, I could get my medicines and office visits supplemented by another unadvertised program. This form is looked into and updated yearly to make sure I'm low income. I don't know if Obama will get health care reform, but I urge EVERYONE to make a lot of noise in whatever program they have to find out the hidden and secret methods already in place to help them. Also, what my HMO didn't know was that California had a 6 month program for breast cancer victims to help them if they can't pay for their treatments. It's called "MediCal Cancer" benefit or something like that. I only found out because another cancer survivor told me about it. I then informed my HMO, and they thanked me because they didn't know about it. With our governor threatening and acting on the threats to cancel many things which could save lives, I don't know the status of that benefit right now.