Sleeping With the Enema, part 3


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  • Unfortunately, by the time Susan wakes up and smells the coffee, Lemont may have moved on with someone else. But then, Susan will just find another goofball and another and another. Poor Lemont!

  • Oh come on! if he feels guilty the first time, and never does it again, he might be good, but if he continues to do it, then he either likes the guilt or is lying about the guilt. if you think he's gonna change for you, you're deluding yourself!!

  • Oh, good gravy. I've actually had a conversation like this. Lemont's being patient. If I'd been on a rooftop, I would have dangled my suddenly-stupid friend over the ledge until she promised never to look at the douchebag again. Ohmgee, Susan, please be messing with Lemont's head. Please?