Darkness, part 2


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  • Believe it or not, I prefer Lemont to be with Roxanne. I think the interaction is much more hilarious than the Lemont and Susan pairing. They tend to become boring after a while.

  • I love the "Why do you ask" line along with the Lemont caps stacked on Clyde's head. It's a great summary of who Clyde is.

  • Anjilyn, let's see from what I remember. Roxanne is the "crazy chick" who sort of blackmailed Lemont into becoming engaged at one point, saying he is the father of her child, Lionel. Lionel does look like Lemont, so who knows? It turned out that Roxanne had a very TOOTHY past. She was born a vampire.

  • Whatever else happens, I sincerely hope the drama between Lemont, Susan, Roxanne, and Lionel has a happy ending. Lemont doesn't deserve to be stuck with Roxanne, Susan deserves better than Dick Fink, Lionel deserves to have father around (All kids do!), and Roxanne deserves ... um ... uh ... to have some empathy knocked into her head?

    • A stake in the heart is the best way to solve a vampire problem. I learned this from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and she would know.

    • Mr. Bell may have the occasional typo, but I cannot imagine him committing such an eggregious error as "could of". *shudder*

      • Speaking of typos....

        *ahem* "Egregious error." One G.

        My apologies for typing while talking. I shall now go write "I am not a multi-tasker" fifty times on the chalkboard.

    • You can have them if you don't value your knuckles. And I can't stand "could of." That'll be the subject of an upcoming strip.