The Revolutionary Man, part 1

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  • People like that really irritate me, they act like they know for a fact that Obama is not a citizen. The Certificate of live birth should have been plenty of proof.

    • But then they'd have to understand what the phrase "certificate of live birth" meant. English literacy is not their strong point.

      I'm just glad we don't have people insisting the "live birth" part is a lie, and that he must be some sort of zombie-vampire-socialist-Nazi.

      Oh, God. I just gave them ideas, didn't I? I'M SO SORRY, AMERICA.

  • People who live in glass houses, and all that cliche. Why not demand DNA from Obama? Sperm sample? Fingernail clipping? Heart transplant? I know. Just give PEOPLE who are like the one talking to Lemont an I.Q. TEST, and delete their "free speech" if it's below 8. Which it very well may be.

  • I really don't know why these...people insist upon parading about, declaring their sexual deviancies. They can do whatever they want in the privacy of their bedrooms, but I don't see why I have to bear witness to their "tea-bagging". That's just disgusting. I know that's not PC of me to write, but, really, let's just be honest here. "Tea-bagging", especially in public, is...well, it's just not right. Call me a prude, call me old fashioned, but I stand by what I say.