Legacy, part 1

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  • Why oh why do you have commecial television snippets on your website? I mean, its interesting...but if it proves more distracting that YOUR content, how good is that? All the advertising, all the hoo hah...and the only bit is your one strip...

    ps your rep called us today because she was in the area and our staff found her incredibly annoying. Just an FYI

    • Hmmm... I'm sure you'll all like her in person.

      I pick up some books at your shop every time I'm in the Bay Area. I used to stop by weekly for years, when I lived a couple blocks away on Milvia. Nice to hear from you.

      I'm sure there are better site designs, but so far it's serving me well so I'll run with it for a while. This is also a blog, hence the clips, and the occasional rants and iPhone unboxings.