Mr. Funny-Man

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  • The psychiatrist was in a hot, dense state...
    The patient needled Noodle, explanation followed, Wait!
    The doc began to cool,
    But he was the patient's fool,
    Still, the patient really is a tool,
    He built a wall, as the doc began to scrawl,
    Taking this guy's history, will make his fingers blistery,
    It all started with the Big Bang...

  • Reminds me of Edith Bunker in All in the Family. Someone asks her, "What have you been doing since I last saw you?" She goes on and on and on. "January I did this, February I did that, the next year I did this, etc" only she went on and on according to the time of day for each day, week and month and year. Hahahaha. Yes, VERY funny!