The Pact, part 5

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  • Cutest. Nerd wager. Ever. I was also an early childhood politics wonk & later, a Trekkie, in retrospect maybe Aspie about it. But back then, who'da thought both sides of Lemont & Susan's bet would have been played out in the same election cycle?

    @Chaya: Bubele, you do know that Lamont & his crew (esp. the Vera/Maris-like unseen Momma, let alone the absent Daddy) are FICTIONAL, right;-? And that , alas for those of us who are in love w/ them anyway, their creator has said he's inclined to keep Susan & Lemont unrequited, b/c the romantic tension makes a better story (and alas, again, he's right)?

    As for your ethno-political argument on "who's hated more," unfortunately the post-election, if not pre, racist vitriol in the blogosphere (& on Yahoo News' & other outlets' comment boards), might give your "side" (of the bet, not the voter demographic- Obama is, of course, president to us ALL , as any Jewish president will be) a run for its Bubblicious. Plus, the U.S. population difference in the voter blocs themselves is almost 9 to 1, so any Jewish nominee already has to a way smaller cushion of voters with a presumed, built-in comfort level w/ the idea. And consider (presuming you agree as much as I, w/ Darrin's politics), hasn't the closest Jewish candidate to date has been the turncoat Joe Lieberman? Saints preserve us!

  • I remember having a bet with a Black Christian pastor that a Black man would be president before a Jewish man would be because Jews are hated worse than Blacks. We had a furious disagreement about who is hated worse. Looks like I was right.

  • Poor Lemont practically brought himself up and was his own parent, huh? But, he survived and made a life for himself? His mom must have had SOME influence, or he'd have become like Clyde. At some point, work must have ended and she must have come home. So, it sounds as if Lemont was a latch key kid? Poor darling. He must have gotten his love and nurturing somewhere. I guess it was Little Susan and her conversations? I am SO rooting for Susan now.