It’s Not the Time, part 2

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  • So not the point, you guys. It's just that the two events coincide in time proximity, not that they are connected. Perhaps we should have yelled and screamed about Palin's cross hairs AT THE TIME she put up the target and used violent rhetoric instead of WAITING until a nut job went crazy. On a different subject, we NEED to be screaming about the EASE of multiple killings by certain TYPES of weapons. The constitution was very general about "bearing arms" and didn't MENTION types of weapons. Are you guys saying it would be OK for every citizen to own a NUCLEAR BOMB? Someone, somewhere, has to draw the line in how we are "armed". I heard rhetoric saying if we do draw the line here or there, it's only time when the line goes farther and farther into eliminating that part of the constitution. That's totally crazy. It's like saying no one should get a haircut because that will lead to our government forcing all people to become bald by cutting off ALL their hair. On a third note, I personally believe we DO need to cut out that part of the constitution, just as we had to cut out the parts of the (constitution, or whatever you call it) which TELL ABOUT SLAVERY and seem to condone it. BTW, I have read biting comments on Candorville regarding leftists as well as rightists. That's probably why it's called "Candor"ville. No one is left out of the fray. On another note, I LOVE the idea of a TV being in marriage counseling with Lemont. So many men ARE married to their televisions. In fact, so many FAMILIES don't even talk to each other. They text each other from one ROOM in the HOUSE to another room in the house.

    • Don't blame me for taking Mr. Bell's silly and obviously false assertions at face value.

      HE'S the one asserting that all (or nearly all) of the political violence in recent American history is the fault of conservatives. I have demonstrated with specific examples that Mr. Bell is utterly wrong.

      This is where you should be saying, "Uh yeah, he WAS completely wrong, wasn't he? Guess he was just having a bad day."

        • I think I just got Bell's point in the last box. The television says it's ONE sided ON BOTH sides. That's the joke. Whomever is reading the TV as being "conservative" must be seeing it from the conservative point of view only.

  • "Okay, okay, okay," says Mr. Bell. "But that's ancient history. Stick to MODERN America."

    Hmmm... well, there's Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber. Ever read his manifesto? It's not so different from standard left-wing enironmentalist propaganda. Oh, and that environmentalist gunman who took hostages at the Discover Channel last September.

    "Don't give me that," says Mr. Bell. "Those guys weren't leftists, they were just lunatics." Perhaps... but Jared Loughner is clearly a lunatic too, but that didn't stop Mr. Bell and like-minded leftists from asserting that he was following Sarah Palin's orders.

  • Awfully convenient that Mr. Bell picks an arbitrary cutoff of 40 years (so we have to ignore the assassination of JFK by a Communist, the murder of RFK by an Arab leftist, and all the violence of the Weather Underground). But okay, I'll play along with him.

    The leftist Red Brigades killed Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro. The leftists of Black September murdered Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics...

    Oh, Mr. Bell wants to change the rules again? We have to stick to America? Okay. The leftist Symbionese Liberation Army was robbing banks and killing people in the past 40 years. Puerto Rican Communists blew up Frraunces Tavern, killing and wounding dozens, within the past 40 years.

  • If I may butt in, the problem is with the right AND the left. But not Libertarians; we're above this kind of bull.