The Man Who Changed History, part 2

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  • No, his TRIUMPH would be, from his perspective, that he was able to strike FEAR into the "evil giant" America. The guy was a SADIST, plain and simple. He ENJOYED killing, causing fear, and having power. Puhleeeze. He had NO rational reason behind the bombings of our ship, our embassy and then our towers.

  • Please, someone fill me in, WHY did Bin Laden strike the heart of America? Excuse me, but how did our policies cause the death and suffering of hundreds of thousands of Muslims? I don't believe that for a MILI-SECOND. Except that we use children from China to make our products and have ignored the children of Muslim countries to exploit? I mean, give me a break. Our "policies" about WHAT exactly hurt Muslims?

    • Our support for several generations of brutal dictators throughout the Middle East; and our support for Israel, which - as pretty much the entire region believes - has been murdering and oppressing Palestinians for sixty years (of course, the region ignores the reason Israel became such a security state, namely the fact they've all been trying to destroy it since it was founded). Bin Laden purported to be pissed about both.

  • As a middle school history teacher who just covered a lot of "important" people from the middle ages I have to agree with you... The people who are remembered are the extraordinary people who did amazing deeds, those rulers who affected great change for their people, the evil -vicious people (usually men) who impacted generations -and on this one time will tell if bin-Ladin makes the cake- and finally the people who bothered to write it all down.. i.e. his-story...
    It is the one who wins at the end who gets to write it all down for history to later judge.