Rosencrantz and Tyrone are Dead, part 11

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  • At this time, we have a 2 party system. All these fringe parties pull votes from the major parties. This is how one of the major parties can win over the other. The small parties become a way to make your votes moot and meaningless. Perhaps one day, if enough people fracture off one of the major parties, and become as big and powerful, it can win. Until then, the media pretty much plays to the 2 major ones: Democrat and Republican. Is it fair? No. But, in this day of spending BILLIONS on promoting a candidate, it's life. By the way, I WELCOME the invasion of my privacy if it means I won't be BLOWN TO BITS tomorrow.

      • Well, then all the third party candidates are loners. Read Darrin's explanation. It is specific and says exactly what I was trying to describe. Calling me a name does not make what I say less true. Having third party candidates, at this TIME in our history, is having them make noise in a forest with no one listening. If, however, they join a major party and change it from within, as Darrin suggested, their voices will be HEARD. So, what is worse? Being a sheep or bleating at the wind with no one listening?

  • OT: Obama just voted to extend the Patriot Act. He, and EVERY member of Congress who approved of this unconstitutional act, MUST be voted out of office next November.

    • What has come to make the most sense to me is to always vote, and always against the greater of two evils. This has led to my constant support for the Democrats, and my low expectations. No third parties, no Republicans. I encourage everyone to understand this, and to do the same.

      • The Democrats are just as corrupt as the Republicans. Are you saying you support this unconstitutional invasion of our privacy and impuning upon our civil liberties now that a democrat's in office?

        • @Jim: I'm not supporting the loss of our freedoms. I'm saying the Republicans are significantly more corrupt than the Democrats, and that this difference is important to recognize.

          • Then why not support a third party that is LESS corrupt than the Republicans AND the Democrats?

        • I would add more about how the Democratic Party is beholden to the same corporate interests and the same military/industrial/intelligence complex as the Republicans, but then I'd feel like Rodney Dangerfield in an anti-establishment version of this:

          [youtube 8bfgrj_62-Y youtube]

  • I think I'll start a new Candorville Toastmasters group! Would that be permissable?

    • Exactly! That's why I say you must vote AGAINST the greater evil (in our system) . This means voting for the lesser evil, and never voting for a third party candidate, no matter how much you like them.

      • Well I disagree with both you and Darrin, as that mindframe just leads to the two manstream parties continually screwing us over. To quote Penn Jillette, "The lesser of two evils is still evil."

        • I'm not sure how you can disagree with what I've said, considering you can count on one hand the number of third party candidates who've been elected to Congress in the past century; and considering that third-partiers and Independents ALWAYS caucus with one of the two major parties. You can count on zero hands the number of third party candidates who've been elected President since the mid 1800s (and even then, it was basically a case of one major party changing its name to "Republican Party").

          What you want - the election of a significant number of third party candidates - just can't happen with our rigged two party system. It's numerically impossible. You have to give people a REASON to feel comfortable voting third party. When people in Oakland, CA wanted what you want, they did the hard work of reforming the election process to create ranked voting. Without that, third parties have rarely been anything but spoilers. That's not my opinion, that's a fact.

          I'm not saying that's how it should be, I'm saying there's only one practical way to change it: create a petition for ranked voting in your city and your state, and go out and convince enough people to sign it. I'd sign it.