Obama’s Evolving Position, part 2

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  • I don't see Obama as being depicted as flaky. Mendacious, opportunistic and manipulative, yes; but not flaky.

    And I'm still planning on voting for him again. <sigh>

    • I understand. One time, I voted for Mickey Mouse (write in) but then I realized that since no one is perfect, I had to vote for the least of the imperfect ones. I will also vote for Obama. (Sort of ... sigh...).

      • Although I did not send in the $5 they were asking from me in their e mails, out of protest.

          • OK. Now I'm ready to FIGHT vocally! Today, it was reported Obama is now willing to pare down SOCIAL SECURITY, and Medicare will be next. "Them is fighting words" as the saying goes. I think some of us who were texting here didn't understand that Obama did NOT take a positive stand on Gay marriages. We must have thought he DID take a stand finally. Confused, that's all we were. Sorry.

  • In Darrin's defense, however, I would say HE is brave to show Obama in less than a perfect light, as from what I have researched, Darrin Bell's cartoons are mostly leftist or centrist, with a leaning to the left. Here, he shows objectivity or balance. However, as I said, I don't agree with the depiction of Obama as being flaky.

  • It is as if for a while he was standing on a tightrope, tipping left and right, and then he took a big sigh, girded up his courage, and went forward. Can't anyone else but myself see that?

  • I will re-iterate. Obama HAS to show the public (majority being conservative Christians) that he may be against gay marriage; the shocking action to me is that he stepped up at the last minute, against all odds. You guys are too hard on him for doing a brave act at the last minute.

    • I see where you're coming from, but you have to realize that while Obama may be doing what politics demands of him, his critics are doing what the process of social change demands of them. Keeping up the pressure. Building momentum. Taking him and other fence-sitters to task.

      No President - whether it's Abraham Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson, or Barack Obama, is going to champion social change if there isn't a growing, vocal, stubborn movement clamoring for it and nipping at their heels about it.

      And you're not exactly a stubborn, vocal movement if you're sitting it out till after the next election.

      • After re-reading your comment, I realize I failed to respond to what you said after the phrase, "his critics are doing what the process of social change", etc. I not only agree with you that YOU GUYS and WE ALL must build this momentum to GET him to stand up, but also to GIVE CREDENCE to his words when he does stand up. Without a vocal and visual movement (your cartoons are a visual movement), he doesn't have a leg on which to stand if he did stand.

      • Who is Orin Hatch? I heard that a couple of days ago, he argued a WHOLE DAY on how the poor should pay more taxes on their social security and pay $6,000 more toward their health benefits, and then the next day, declined to vote on if they should debate on the rich contributing to health benefits. I also read that the Republicans want to cut out flu vaccines and cancer research. Oh, those evil, evil people!!!! :( <span class="idc-smiley"><span style="background-position: -12px -36px;"><span>:(</span></span></span> <span class="idc-smiley"><span style="background-position: -12px -36px;"><span>:(</span></span></span>

        • Orin Hatch is doing his dirt again. He first began his power hungry plays between 1980 and 1988 by getting Congress to severely water down the housing anti-discrimination bill, and even tightly limiting who can bring such a lawsuit, etc. He is now trying to fight for the insanely rich to not have to pay taxes, to simplify the answer to your question. He came from Utah, so I would assume he has some twisted ideas about marriage anyway. I wouldn't put it past him to disagree with same sex marriages but quietly agree with multiple marriages for one of the religious groups who lives in that state.

      • You're right, Darrin. I wasn't vocal about the gay marriage arena and I apologize; however, I WILL be vocal about his newest take on Social Security and Medicare. He may be trying to appease the Republican senators and work with them as was his promise before the election, but on the backs of our senior citizens and disabled? I hope that if he is tight walking on his very slim rope that he tips back over to the left soon. If he disenfranchises our elderly and disabled, he will lose a whole segment of the voters in the next election, and we'll be back with a "Burned Bush" type of person (Republican asshole).

        • Obama doesn't seem to know how to wield the power of his office. A vast majority of Americans support letting the Bush tax-cuts-for-the-rich expire. A vast majority condemns Republican attempts to cut Medicare and Social Security benefits. But instead of using that support to stare down the Republicans, Obama puts both Medicare and Social Security cuts on the table.

          Not only is it morally wrong to consider that when his opposition won't even consider cutting tax subsidies on corporate jets... not only is it counterproductive to consider cutting benefits (cuts that'll weaken demand during an anemic recovery)... it's also politically suicidal, because it muddies the waters. It softens the distinction between Democrats and Republicans.

          This issue won't be potent enough to restore Democrats to power in 2012 if voters think BOTH parties are willing to weaken the social safety net.

          • I posted something but decided to delete it. It wasn't anything offensive - I just decided I didn't want to get involved in politics on a site that otherwise brings me joy - especially when politics is so easy to find elsewhere on the web. Love the comic!

          • "Democrats are the party of government activism, the party that says government can make you richer, smarter, taller and get the chickweed out of your lawn. Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and they get elected and prove it."

            "The Democratic platform was pure whining brat: "Like, full employment is sooooo and I hate having a big navy and you promised a drug-free America and I want my free drugs now."

            "The Democrats said, "We don't know what's wrong with America, but we can fix it." The Republicans said, "There's nothing wrong with America, and we can fix that."

            - P. J. O'Rourke "Parliament of Whores"

          • Some CEO's, I understand, are making nearly $100,000 an HOUR and work more than 40 hours a week. Do the math. With the Bush, Jr. tax cuts to the rich, only the top earning 2% are benefitting from those cuts. My mom always said the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What she didn't say was the middle class becomes part of the poor class, and soon all we'll have are the rich and poor. No middle ground at all.