Obama’s Evolving Position, part 6

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  • Thanks for this strip. I support Obama, but there are certain things I don't agree with him like his gay marriage stand for instant.

    • Anonymous, pretty soon you're going to see that there's very little difference between Obama and Bush.

        • Obama TOLD us all before he was elected that he'd try to get congress to work together instead of as opposing parties. It appears the method he is choosing is to GIVE IN to the other side, even before the other side calls him on an issue. I know people like that. They are people pleasers. Unfortunately, no matter how much he becomes like Bush, people will still hate him on both sides of the aisle. Some, because he's too liberal. The others, because he's giving in to conservatives.

          • You are right. Personally, since both sides are not going to agree soon. It would be easier if he takes a stand instead of flip flopping on his ideas.

          • Obama is doing some pretty progressive things other presidents have not done. Yet, he'll never please all the people all the time, even if and when he takes a firm stance on issues. It would be easier for us, but then again, what about the people who earn their living as either comedians or cartoonists? If we had a president who pleased everyone about everything, the humor would be gone. Long live dysfunction!!!! Hahaha.

  • Again, Darrin, I give you the credit for being one of the few to call Obama out for his opposition to gay marriage.