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  • Aww, that little bird is SOOO adorable! Also, Is this the 1st X we've seen Susan inside her own apartment? Wow. Love the drawing in all the panels. Very cool! Do Susan and Lemont never age? Just wondering.

    • We saw a lot of Susan in her own apt. when she adopted that rescue "dog" that was actually a wolf.

    • I sort of hope Lemont and Susan don't age ... I thought the aging in "For Better or For Worse" was at first a distraction and then ultimately detracted from any humor or social commentary. I stopped reading that strip in the early nineties, before I got married or had kids, so I might feel differently now ... Just checked the latest "FBoFW". Nope. Not funny.

      Oh, for the days of "Calvin and Hobbes" and "Bloom County" ... thanks, Darrin, for keeping up the tradition of the pithy comic. :-)

      BTW, love Susan's outfit.

      • Come to think about it, I do seem to remember a strip drawn by Darrin a decade or so ago which showed Lemont in high school, and he had a couple different characters. Susan wasn't there, but Clyde was. Clyde was always there. I think the teenage Lemont had a natural hairdo, if I'm not mistaken in my memory. He also taught at a pre-school for a short time. One of the strips I seem to remember was where Lemont trudged up to the top of a mountain to ask a guru the meaning of life, and when he reached the top, there was a sign which said, "Out to lunch". Hahaha. I don't think his strips had yet been picked up by the two syndicates. He was still writing for his college newspaper. Or was it a high school newspaper? It was so long ago, I don't remember. I do remember following him because I was very into integration of actors on television and of how Black people were portrayed in comics. I used to be a part of the movement with Dr. MLK, Jr., although I didn't actually do the marches. Just gave speeches, made telephone calls, wrote to newspapers, etc. I was also an avid Ebony magazine reader. So, when I heard of this new Black artist (D B) coming into public light, I followed his work. Bottom line, I think Darrin HAS made Lemont stop aging at this point. JMO