No Birth Control For You, part 5

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  • I can't help but notice that "religious" objections only seem to surface when one is talking about female health and/or reproductive issues. I have yet to hear any such complaints about MALE issues, as Candorville so beautifully pointed out this week. Gosh, one might think that religion is just a smoke screen...but that's just my 'lil opinion.

    • Good point, so I Googled it. This says men are less likely to seek out preventive services. That is probably why there is less flack about this. The cost is less. Also, most of the religious objections about women's preventive services seem to come from male heads of those religions.

      • I went to the website, and noticed the part about men not seeking a doctor's help when they are sick. That's because they're staying home, being waited on hand and foot by their significant other whether it's a cold or the flu or that they think it's the flu (but is something worse)! An alternative is to take it to work and spread whatever they have to everyone else. Admitting pain is something "real men" don't do.

  • Should nuns not be allowed to have mammograms? Perhaps their religion prohibits them from getting breast cancer. Mammograms, pap smears, or anything to do with women are all in the same category. On the one hand, you can say it is religious freedom to deny a woman the right to have birth control; on the other hand, you can say it is a human right to be in control of your own body without restriction by religion. This is why there are two sides of this issue. When the government is involved, it can't make a law respecting one religion over the other. Not all religions are against birth control. Therefore, the government must sway to the side of a human being as the one to be in control of his or her own body.