Trayvon Martin’s Last Walk, part 2

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    • The first two Candorville books have Kindle editions available from Amazon. I self-published books 3-5, and I'm still figuring out how to put out Kindle and iPad editions for those. But you can download the first book, "Thank God for Culture Clash," and the second book, "Another Stereotype Bites the Dust," right now.

  • Sorry to tell you this, but the Raleigh paper is shutting down the polling at midnight tonight (4/3/2012) becuase voting has "slowed to a trickle." I told them not to give the state legislature any more ideas on voter supression. Of the 25% of the comics they dropped, they managed to delete a full 2 of of 3 of comics featuring main characters of color (Candorville & Curtis, keeping Jump Start). I've already alerted people to this on Facebook. Good luck. I'll visit you online. Perhaps you can get into the Durham Herald, which also carries Curtis.

    • Thanks. I hope you've voted. I'm always glad to have people follow Candorville online, but it's the newspapers that pay the bills.

        • Thanks! I appreciate your support, and I'm sure the N&O was happy to hear from you and everyone else from NC who wrote in and called.

      • What if I click on the ads? I know it's not as much as what the papers pay, but... Whenever asked, I solicit my local paper (the Portland Press Herald) to add you... so far no luck!

        • That helps a little. What helps more is subscriptions (via the "subscribe monthly" button beneath the strip), and especially book sales. If 1/3rd of the people who visit became subscribers, Candorville wouldn't need newspapers at all.

    • I lost my Candorville years ago in the paper and have been reading here ever since. I like it better because of the comments are engaging and add new twists the the enjoyment of the strip. Plus I can read many weeks at a time!