Trayvon Martin’s Last Walk, part 4

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  • man, you are unique, and you really need to keep doing what you are doing. the last panel in today's strip just got me, the shadow of the bars and the smile on the sleeping lemont. works on so many levels, it transcends a simple comic strip. had to get a glass of water to get rid of the lump in my throat. keep it up, and thanks for it.

  • thank you for this. not a lot of common sense emanating from this case or discussion thereof, is there.

  • Really? REALLY? Trayvon Martin is a real person, not a cartoon character who can be defined by his trademark love of skittles to the point where it's an afterthought punchline. It's pretty tragically hilarious that Darrin Bell can talk about other people dehumanizing Travyon Martin and then put out this lazy 'tribute'.

    Show some respect. A young boy is dead, and you're putting words into his mouth. It may be with the best intentions, but the execution of the comic is just downright grotesque.

    For shame.

  • After Bloom County ended I expected I would never feel a connection like that to a comic and its creator again. You've proven that wrong. So happy to see you doing such great work.

  • Wow. This will likely be both the best coverage and the best tribute coming from the popular media.

    I hope his parents see this.

  • Awesome! The storyline already is so wonderful, now you've taken my breath away. Trayvon going to the bathhouse that was in the movie "Spirited Away," where the spirits go to rest, a place of beauty and adventure, and of course, (died too soon) Douglas Adam's "Restaurant at the Universe." I'm sitting here, crying for Trayvon and this beautiful tribute you've created for him. Thank you for this work you've done, thank you!

    • It's a self-reference to something that was originally a reference to HHGTTG, so you were right after all.