What Should Happen to Habitual LOLers

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  • Be kind to your web-footed friends, for the penguin could be Opus's mother...

    Otherwise, I completely share Lemont's annoyance at the overuse and misuse of lol that has grown totally out of control! To me it looks so-o-o stoooopid! Same with ROFL, LMFAO and ROFLMAO. At least textos like BTW, TMI, IMHO and even WTF, MEAN something and so serve some purpose, esp in character-counting texts and tweets. But who, IRL, would ever SAY "laughing out loud, dude!"? Especially when it's reacting to something that is not even funny, nor even intended to be funny. Peeps just be using it like some demented punctuation; sounds as low-brow as people who say "AnywayS."

  • Wtf? Smh... My last comment got sent to moderation b/c I followed Darr's lead and put punctuation marks around the text abbreviations to which I was referring? Idk, ott...

  • Be kind to your web-footed friends, for the penguin may be Opus's mother...
    But otherwise, I share Lemont's sentiment! This 'lol' abuse has gone way past annoying. Same with 'ROFL,' 'LMFAO,' all that mess ... Textos like 'btw,' 'wtf?', have actually meaning. But who the heck would say, in person, "Laughing out loud" every 5 seconds? Texters and facebookers just use it as if it were some sort of demented punctuation.