Be Your Best

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  • Thanks for the nice piece on your Grandpa. He was first class!! I had a similar one who placed the bar quite high too.How great the world would be with all kids having that example. Rest assured you will see him in heaven one day. God bless you...

  • darrin..thnx for sharing your grandpa sure many of us enjoyed old memories of ours

  • My grandfather (paternal) was 98 when he passed. My father was born late in my grandfather's life, and I was born relatively late in my father's life, so I was still a young child when grandfather left. Still remember his presence though, even after all this time (I'm 51 now).

    • Bless you, bcmayes, for being there for your grandpa. Also, thanks for sharing. Every time I read about the love of a grandparent and grandchild, I tear up.