Obamacare Sure Is Unpopular

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  • I get why it is unpopular though. You can really tell many people are upset even by just judging on all the hate articles written about it.

    • You have it backwards. Hate articles MAKE people upset through suggestion, like mind control. The reason so many papers print them is to sell more papers. Hate articles fly off the stands. Feel good articles, unfortunately, don't make as much profit.

      • You're absolutely right, Chaya. Incidentally, does anyone have any hard data on feel good articles being less profitable? It's a very popular sentiment, but I wonder to what extent it's actually accurate rather than "common knowledge" (i.e. an excuse compiled from culturally ingrained nonsense). It seems to me "bad news sells papers" is one of those situations where people can get away with a "'twas always thus" sentiment, ignoring the fact that very little else has been tried and that only a few dozen people (whose families had largely grown rich from printing bad news) in a couple of centuries even had the opportunity to try something new.