Babylon 5 And The Case Of Vir Cotto

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  • JMS answered the question on
    "Fans of J. Michael Straczynski: Here is the answer to your question: Vir said what he said because he grew up in, and was part of a culture that did not allow for any contrary or socially unacceptable responses. My job as a writer is to write what is true for that given character, not what is true or right in my personal or political view.

    Case in point: a lot of religious characters came through the show, many central to the narrative -- priests, monks, rabbis -- espousing views that I as an atheist do not agree with. My job was to present those characters, and their views, authentically to who they are and what they believe. For this the show has gotten much regard.

    Vir's comments reflect not my or your points of view, but rather the point of view of the society in which he was born, was still living in, and thus very much in thrall to. Further, his personal journey and the widening of his own point of view was still very much in process; he did not become the fully freed person he needed to be until later in the narrative, despite some of his good actions here and elsewhere. You write the process, you don't jump right to the results."

  • Y'know, it's been years (obviously) since I saw the show in its original broadcast (getting side commentary from JMS on Compuserve at the time was a nice bonus also). I should probably hunt down the DVDs.

    (The heck with you Sheldon Cooper, I remember liking that show.)

  • Thanks a lot, Darrin. I had to break out the DVDs to rewatch (to be fair, the episode was more lighthearted despite the serious nature) and I ended up watching several more. What's next: drawing a link to TVTropes?

    (And Joe should know that B5 fans can get anything from anywhere).