Do Not Upload your Thingy to Google Image Search

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Who needs a doctor when there’s Google Image Search?

Candorville’s Top Ten List of Reasons Why Men Don’t Go to the Doctor as Often as Women

10. There’s nothing wrong with me. I feel fine.

9. I’m too busy (if I look like I’m not doing anything, that’s because I’m busy in my head).

8. I could buy four video games for the same price as one pointless doctor visit.

7. I forgot.

6. This video game won’t play itself.

5. Mind over matter. If they don’t tell me something’s wrong with me, nothing’s wrong with me.

4. My significant other is telling me I should go get a check-up. I cannot let my significant other win.

3. They might put something in my butt.

2. I’ll go when I’ve reached level 10.

1. There are sick people at the hospital.
