Star Trek Impulse Drive Makes No Sense

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Star Trek Impulse Drive Makes No Sense… at least, not the way they use it.


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  • Maybe the answer lies in the geometry of a typical star system - think ginormous fried egg - a wide, flat disk containing most of the planets & other material ("the white") surrounding the bulge of the star at its center ("the yolk"). When the Enterprise & other Starfleet vessels use impulse drive to "leave" a star system before "jumping to warp", we shouldn't assume that they're heading out THROUGH the plane of the ecliptic. Maybe they're heading "up" or "down" OUT of the plane instead, a much faster route "out" of the system to a safe position for engaging the warp drive. This makes me feel much better than concluding that Trek simply ignored anything so obvious. That would be... completely illogical. Geeky enough for you, Angel?


    • A few people have mentioned this idea, but Lemont has an answer for that. I'll deal with it in an upcoming strip.

      • Sigh. You're really enjoying crushing the dreams of my youth, aren't you? Great.

        BTW, the Big L's reflection in Cdog's shades in panel 2? Very nice touch, as is Big L breaking the "fourth wall" in panel 4. I really enjoy your work, even when you ARE shredding my fantasies of the future of space exploration and human civilization, you talented monster, you.

        Looking forward to that "upcoming strip", anyway.

  • Darrin Bell, you nailed it. Great insight.
    The other incomprehensible thing is, the bridge crew is in space and sitting together looking at a gigantic TV that only has one channel. Picard says, "why are we dropping out of warp Mr. LaForge? You never hear La Forge say, "Well, look at the screen dude."