The Orlando Massacre

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  • Gun control? The Orlando shooter had a class 3 carry permit for Florida, been vetted by the FBI not once, but TWICE. None of the "knee jerk reaction" laws that have been proposed would have done ANYTHING to prevent him from getting the weapons used.

    And besides that, if he'd have walked in the door with your average run of the mill duck hunting shotgun AND four or five large Molotov Cocktails, he'd have most likely killed MORE people than he did.

    You going to pass laws against the use of gasoline in that manner? Oh, wait, it's already illegal to burn people to death isn't it? Just like it's illegal to shoot them too.

    Quit dancing around the ideological elephant in the room. We are at war with the people that harbor those views. They have said as much. Just because some of us stick their fingers in their ears and go "na na na I can't hear you," doesn't mean the rest of us don't recognise the threat.

    And are prepared to deal with it.

    • I'll take your points one by one:

      (1) The Orlando Shooter having a Class 3 permit is a great argument against giving out concealed carry permits.

      (2) His being vetted by the FBI multiple times and *still* being able to legally purchase a Sig Saur assault rifle is a great argument in favor of banning the sale of military-grade firearms altogether.

      (3) A duck hunting shotgun can't rapid-fire hundreds of rounds or use high capacity magazines. And thanks for bringing up molotov cocktails, which are illegal, as assault rifles should be.

      (4) We are at war with Islamic terrorists. Yet the vast majority of our mass shootings are performed by Americans who are not Islamic terrorists.

      (5) If the handful of bills that were introduced after Orlando wouldn't have stopped the Orlando shooting, we could introduce bills that would have. If people such as yourself didn't stand in the way of that.

    • Are you advocating killing all of "those people"? You are in bad need of some humanity education.

      • So explain in detail what you meant when you said, ". We are at war with the people that harbor those views. They have
        said as much. Just because some of us stick their fingers in their ears
        and go "na na na I can't hear you," doesn't mean the rest of us don't
        recognise the threat.And are prepared to deal with it." Sounds like you want all "those people" to die at your hands. Let me guess... you are a Trump supporter and want to get rid of all Muslims?

      • I'd say you are the one that has need of a "humanity education," given that you would ascribe your pre-conceived notions of "killing all those people" to someone you don't have a clue about.

        The "gun control" aspect of this cartoon is what I am commenting on.

        The entire purpose of gun control was to first disarm the newly freed slaves, and then later in history, disarm entire ethnic groups to prevent the exercise of self-defense against marauding gangs, whether they were the KKK or the Tammany Hall thugs. (And I'm only addressing American gun control, here. European/Asian gun control has cost the lives of literally over a hundred million citizens.)

        Disarming the law abiding only removes one of the best tools that can be used to defend against attack.

        Ergo, some of us recogize the threat exists, and people who would do to harm to us will be met with the same response that the jihadis got when they tried to attack that drawing contest a while back.

        Clear now?