Archive for ‘Uncategorized’

Dear Diary…

Welcome to the Candorville blog. From time to time I may post something interesting (or not), like a sketch or a clip from a strip in progress. News, etc…

If you haven’t heard of Candorville, it’s a new comic strip about a diverse group of friends in the big city, who deal with the important issues of the day: war, discrimination, homelessness and writers’ block. Check it out at If you like what you see, it wouldn’t hurt if you’d write to your local paper and angrily demand that they add it to their comics pages. Threaten to stop reading their paper if they don’t, and accuse them of having bad taste in clothing. But above all, be polite.

Candorville is my second syndicated strip. You can also see my first one, Rudy Park (co-created by writer Theron Heir), at

Fighting the Power on Air America Radio

If anyone ever doubted the intellect of Chuck D. (formerly of Public Enemy), check out his morning show Unfiltered on Air America, or his weekly Saturday show, Bring the Noise. Listening to Chuck D., I’ve suddenly remembered why I used to love rap when I was a kid. It used to have something to say.

Fighting the Power on Air America Radio

If anyone ever doubted the intellect of Chuck D. (formerly of Public Enemy), check out his morning show Unfiltered on Air America, or his weekly Saturday show, Bring the Noise. Listening to Chuck D., I’ve suddenly remembered why I used to love rap when I was a kid. It used to have something to say.

Candorville to be tested in Bakersfield Californian Next Week

If you live in Bakersfield, keep an eye out for Candorville next week. The Bakersfield Californian is testing 10 new strips to see which ones readers want added to the paper. If you like what you see next week and you want to see Candorville in your paper every day, you need to complete their survey.

Candorville to be tested in Bakersfield Californian Next Week

If you live in Bakersfield, keep an eye out for Candorville next week. The Bakersfield Californian is testing 10 new strips to see which ones readers want added to the paper. If you like what you see next week and you want to see Candorville in your paper every day, you need to complete their survey.

Hello, Bakersfield!

If you live in or around Bakersfield, you can see Candorville this week in The Bakersfield Californian. The Californian is running a one-week test, and if you want to read it in your paper from now on, you’ll have to complete their survey, or call or write them to tell them what you think.

If you send them a letter (and send a copy to us) AND they subsequently add Candorville, we’ll send you a free sketch or a print of the daily strip of your choice. Feel free to e-mail us and let us know what you think!

Hello, Bakersfield!

If you live in or around Bakersfield, you can see Candorville this week in The Bakersfield Californian. The Californian is running a one-week test, and if you want to read it in your paper from now on, you’ll have to complete their survey, or call or write them to tell them what you think.

If you send them a letter (and send a copy to us) AND they subsequently add Candorville, we’ll send you a free sketch or a print of the daily strip of your choice. Feel free to e-mail us and let us know what you think!

Bakersfield story to be continued…

The one-week test of Candorville in the Bakersfield Californian is nearly over, but this week’s story is not. In a couple weeks, Susan’s going to have to get time off to attend her uncle’s funeral in Bakersfield, and she might be bringing a friend or two – along with a big misunderstanding – with her. If you’d like to see what happens, you need to write or call the Bakersfield Californian and let them know. And be sure to complete the survey. They’ll post it here at the end of next week.

Bakersfield story to be continued…

The one-week test of Candorville in the Bakersfield Californian is nearly over, but this week’s story is not. In a couple weeks, Susan’s going to have to get time off to attend her uncle’s funeral in Bakersfield, and she might be bringing a friend or two – along with a big misunderstanding – with her. If you’d like to see what happens, you need to write or call the Bakersfield Californian and let them know. And be sure to complete the survey. They’ll post it here at the end of next week.

Star Trek: Enterprise NOT cancelled

Trek Today is reporting that, contrary to predictions, UPN has officially renewed Star Trek: Enterprise. In other news, high quality genre shows Farscape, Firefly, Odyssey 5 and Angel are still dead.

I’m beginning to think the only thing I need to do to keep a series I like on the air is not to like it. And vice versa. I’ve just now decided I love America’s Next Top Model, Will & Grace, and the entire UPN network.

In all fairness, Enterprise improved a great deal in its third season. There were story arcs (okay, one long arc) with real consequences, there were a few genuine surprises, and they’ve given a reason for the formation of the Federation. Unfortunately, it isn’t the same reason given by all the other Trek shows & films over the past 30+ years.

What’s the point of making a prequel if it’s not going to stick to the established stories and concepts?