Posts Tagged ‘bigotry’

Geraldine Ferraro Needs a New Dictionary

Geraldine Ferraro, who thinks being black in America is an unfair advantage and who thinks she’s discriminated against because she’s white (rather than being dismissed for sounding like a crackpot), now says she probably won’t vote for Obama because he’s “terribly sexist.” I don’t remember “beating Hillary Clinton fair and square” being the definition of “sexist.” 

From the color of his skin to the content of the color of his skin

“If I criticize Obama, I’m racist?!”

Every time I follow a link from the Drudge Report to an article that allows comments, I inevitably find some indignant Drudge poster writing “if I criticize Obama, I’m a racist?!” Having been accused of racism myself for odd reasons (drawing a cartoon condemning racism makes you racist in some people’s eyes), I don’t automatically dismiss the sentiment. But then those posters usually go on to call Obama “Kenya’s favorite son,” or to say something else that demonstrates why their Obama criticism is suspect.

I bet this cartoonist indignantly says “if I criticize Obama, I’m racist?!” all the time.

David Cohen
Asheville Citizen-Times
Feb 9, 2009

Senator Ensign demands Senator Ensign’s resignation

Senator John Ensign demanding accountabilityNevada Senator John Ensign (R), “a leading conservative mentioned as a presidential candidate,” told reporters today that he is shocked and disappointed to learn he had an extramarital affair with an ex campaign staffer. He went on to demand his own resignation.

“This wouldn’t be making the national news if it was an ordinary affair,” Ensign said. “But I’m the guy who went on national TV and suggested that my fellow Republican Senator Larry Craig resign because he admitted to lewd conduct.”

Indeed, this is not the first time Senator Ensign has taken to the airwaves to demand accountability from another senator. In 2007, when Republican Senator Larry Craig was caught and convicted of trolling for sex in an airport men’s room, Ensign was unforgiving, saying “This wouldn’t be making the national news if it was an ordinary misdemeanor. He pled guilty to something that, you know lewd behavior, that’s not the behavior a United States senator should be engaged in.”

When he was informed that Nevada Senator John Ensign has praised Senator Ensign’s decision to call for Senator Ensign’s resignation, Senator Ensign explained that conservatives like him consider adultery to be lewd conduct, no matter with whom it’s committed. “If I held myself to a different standard than that to which I held Larry Craig, I would be admitting two things: First, I’d be admitting I’m a homophobe because I think Craig’s failed attempt at a homosexual tryst was worse than my successful – and very sweaty – heterosexual boot knocking. Second, I’d be admitting I’m a hypocrite. And I’m no hypocrite.”

So far, Ensign has received no reply from Ensign.