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Only 7 signed Candorville books left!

My first order of “Katrina’s Ghost” sold out quickly, and all I have left are seven signed copies. I drew either Lemont or C-Dog in each of them. If you want a guarantee you’ll get them in time for Christmas, order today, because at this rate they’ll be gone by Wednesday.

The new Candorville collection: “Katrina’s Ghost,” has more than twice as many comics (nearly 700) as the last book. To order:

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

E-BOOK: $9.95
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

OR… Get your signed copy (with a sketch) here.


The new Candorville collection: “Katrina’s Ghost,” is on sale now at Candorville.com. Just in time for War-on-Christmas!

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

E-BOOK: $9.95
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

This is the first Candorville book in almost three years, so it’s HUGE. Over 650 (I stopped counting) comics, plus a mind-blowing preface I first wrote in my head while sitting at Sonic Burger (“mind-blowing” refers mainly to the effects of the aspartamy Diet Coke I was sucking down through a straw at the time).

In Volume 3: After one too many humorous rejections from the New Yorker, Lemont Brown starts his own blog. But will a breaking scandal force him into the spotlight before he’s ready? Will his unbelievable interviews with Hurricane Katrina survivors land him a Pulitzer, or a padded room? And why are socially-awkward Federal agents watching his every move? Meanwhile, C-Dog devises a half-dozen shameless ways to raise funds to publish his new CD. But can he kill off his newfound conscience before it destroys his misogynist street cred? And how can Susan Garcia win her promotion if she’s so busy keeping an eye on her backstabbing assistant and living in denial about Lemont’s life-shattering secret?

Buy it now in paperback, or as an ebook (for those of you who don’t have much cash or crave instant gratification – you know who you are).

Catch a sneak preview of the Candorville book 3 cover art!

In a few hours I’ll be sending out a sneak preview of the next Candorville book cover to members of the Candorville Facebook fan club. If you want to see it, join the club.

Book 3 goes to the printer this evening, so it should be available for purchase in just a few weeks. It’s been a long wait since the last book, so this one’s going to be gigantic, with over 900 strips and will be sprinkled with obscure jokes about something that in ancient times was known as “The Bush Administration.”

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