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Senator Ensign demands Senator Ensign’s resignation

Nevada Senator John Ensign (R), "a leading conservative mentioned as a presidential candidate," told reporters today that he is shocked…

Of course they let Paris out of jail

Just more proof that the rich and famous live in a different world than the rest of us. Imagine the…

Candorville In The Loop

From today's In the Loop column (Washington Post):Speaking of the House oversight committee, it's not often that someone below the…

Changing Course on Illegal Immigration?

Real life continues to make comedians look like prophets.From Yahoo News:Two executives at a company that once helped build a…

Plame was covert, but Fox won’t let go of the myth

...Yet Fox News continues to rely on Victoria Toensing, the woman who, as far as I've been able to learn…

SF Mayor Proves He’s Not Gay

Ever since Mayor Newsom bravely fought for civil rights when he allowed gay couples to marry in 2004, the country's…

An incipient dictator spends his political capital

His victory was determined by electronic voting machines that are indirectly under his control, he's consolidating the Media and the…

The SpOILs of War

Colin Powell, 2003:"It cost a great deal of money to prosecute this war. But the oil of the Iraqi people…

Hispanic voters targeted AGAIN?

In honor of the repeated attempt to disenfranchise Hispanic voters, I'll re-post that last cartoon:Bradblog has posted a note from…