dirty tricks

It’s “Democratic Party,” not “Democrat Party.”

Chris Matthews has been increasingly willing to call Republican politicians out on their childish attempt to rename the opposition party.…

“B” is for “Moron”

Never before have I been so pissed about my website being down. Yesterday, when I made my usual rounds of…

Thanks for clearing that up

This has been going around the internets for a day or two. Anyone know who wrote it?: Just to clear…

Can pedophiles even vote? (or “John McCain’s latest ad”)

John McCain is crazy like a fox. A real maverick. He’s like a fighter pilot, zig zagging all around to…

The Republicans Love Their Countup Clocks

You know you haven't got much to say about your opposition when you resort to condemning their logistics. First Fox…

Fox’s Obama obsession: If it walks like racism and talks like racism…

I saw something on YouTube the other day (I've posted it below) that I found disturbing. But luckily, I had…