
Why Batman v Superman was Smarter Than its Critics

I'm sharing this Batman v Superman review because it's representative of pretty much every negative review of the film. An…

Five Years Till the Future

A good friend just reminded me that today, 7/6/10, is only five years before the day Marty McFly came to…

Avatar Meets the Internet

I just had to repost this comment some guy posted at TrekBBS. If you haven't yet seen Avatar, don't read the…

Fan-Made “Green Lantern” Movie Trailer

"I would line up for this movie RIGHT NOW if it were real."

Star Trek vs. Star Wars

In honor of Star Trek week, here's by far the funniest Star Trek vs. Star Wars clip from Youtube:

Bootleg video of this Wednesday’s prez debate

I swung over to China this morning for some authentic Szechwan Style Red Snapper with a side of oppression. Afterward,…