
Razing Arizona

Razing Arizona

Razing Arizona

Razing Arizona

Razing Arizona

Razing Arizona

I'm on vacation this week, so enjoy these classics from the archives. I chose these because the Supreme Court is…

Razing Arizona, part 6

Transcript: First they came for illegal-looking brown people, and I did not speak up because I was not an illegal-looking…

Razing Arizona, part 5

Transcript: Your boss … the millionaire advertising CEO … got deported? It was Arizona. Cops asked for his papers. He…

Razing Arizona, part 4

Transcript: I'll handle this, Garcia. This is Arizona. We don’t' want them thinking you're an illegal and deporting you. ID.…

Razing Arizona, part 3

Transcript: Hurts Rent-a-Car. Phoenix, AZ. Sure, Divided Airlines lost your luggage, but look on the bright side, Mr. Fitzhugh ……