Israel is our ally, and rightly so. And any nation has a right to defend itself. Almost everyone agrees about those two precepts. I believe Israel has a right to exist, and just as with the U.S., I’m going to speak out when I think their tactics are either inhumane or counterproductive. The best way to ensure your nation’s longevity is to avoid behaving in a way that costs you the support of the world and causes much of the Arab world, which increasingly held Hezbollah in disfavor, to change its mind. Today’s Candorville questions the wisdom of Israel putting a rush order on cluster bombs that have a wide radius of destruction if what they were trying to do in the Lebanon War was be precise and avoid civilian casualties. One of my favorite newspaper editors received a phone call about that, and passed it on to me (I’ve removed the names):
Promised the reader I would pass this along. Just received a telephone call from a reader regarding your strip today. (name redacted) called to request that you write an “equally hilarious strip about Palistinian suicide bombers” —
My response:
Hi (name redacted),
If you wouldn’t mind, please suggest to the reader that he check out yesterday’s equally-hilarious strip about an Iranian president who wants to wipe Israel off the map. I’m always intrigued at how people can completely ignore the strips they agree with but zero in on the one they find objectionable.You might also tell him that responsible, rational governments such as Israel’s should behave with more restraint and wisdom than a suicide bomber. We shouldn’t excuse either our own actions or those of our allies by comparing them to the despicable actions of terrorists. Otherwise, what makes “us” better than “them”?