
The New CHiPs Ain’t The Old CHiPs

C-Dog and Larry Wilcox have a problem with the CHiPs remake starring Michael Peña and Dax Shepard. Wilcox in particular…

Five Years Till the Future

A good friend just reminded me that today, 7/6/10, is only five years before the day Marty McFly came to…

Avatar Meets the Internet

I just had to repost this comment some guy posted at TrekBBS. If you haven't yet seen Avatar, don't read the…

Star Trek vs. Star Wars

In honor of Star Trek week, here's by far the funniest Star Trek vs. Star Wars clip from Youtube:

I knew I shouldn’t have answered the phone

"Here I am hiking in a beautiful park, and all of a sudden I get a phone call from someone…

New Star Trek trailer is here

Geekgasm time. I'm going to go stand in line for this right now. If the trailer doesn't load, go here.