science and technology

Susan Goes To The Ladies’ Room

Ladies' room time during a double date is an opportunity.

Five Years Till the Future

A good friend just reminded me that today, 7/6/10, is only five years before the day Marty McFly came to…

Michael Moore injures Wolf Blitzer in cage match

When Laura and I walked out of the Arclight in Hollywood after seeing Michael Moore's Sicko, I scanned the floor…

Candorville on YouTube

According to Time Magazine, we are all the "Person of the Year," and much of the credit for that goes…

Painful campaign ad

Are you sick of scientific progress being held hostage by the Evangelist in Chief, yet?Visit Candorville!

Candorville on Stem Cell Research

Chuck posted the following:I'd like to make a comment on today's strip--but I'm afraid it would take too much time.…