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Darrin Bell Appears on the Conan O’Brien Show

For those of you who didn’t catch me on “Conan” last Friday, here’s the interview. I look a lot darker and taller on TV. It’s in black and white ’cause basic cable doesn’t have the budget for color.

To order:

Get the ARTIST’S EDITION, which comes stamped, numbered, and autographed, with an original sketch by Darrin Bell on the title page. Only 200 Artist’s Editions will be sold (only 150 left!), after which no books bought through the Candorville online store will contain a sketch by Darrin Bell:

(s&h included)

OR, if you’re allergic to autographs and just want the standard edition (or an e-book), order here:

Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

E-BOOK: $3.99
Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.

You can also complete your collection by getting the first THREE Candorville books!

Monterey Herald drops Candorville, WRITE IN NOW!

ATTN Monterey County-ites: The Monterey Herald will be dropping Candorville on January 4 to make room for a local cartoonist. From the looks of it, Candorville was targeted because it was a more recent addition. If you’d like to see Candorville stay in the paper, send an email right NOW to [email protected] and tell them so.

Space on the comics page is limited, and whenever a paper adds a strip, they have to lose an existing one. Too often, they choose to axe one of the newest additions because they think it hasn’t been there long enough for anyone to miss it. That’s why your local comics page seems to be filled with comics that are older and more boring than your parents. That’s why people under 40 are more likely to go online for their comics than they are to open a paper. And since the comics page is usually cited as the #1 reason people buy newspapers, that’s one of the reasons papers themselves are dying.

Candorville is dropped a lot less often than most new comics, but it still happens. Almost always, more than enough readers write in to convince editors they underestimated Candorville’s fan base, and they reinstate it. You can make that happen again. Remember the moral of “It’s a Wonderful Life”: Every time you save Candorville, a dead cartoonist gets his wings. Or something like that.

The more papers that run Candorville, the longer I can keep producing Candorville. It’s as simple as that. If you value it, write to the Monterey Herald today and tell them so. That’s the only way they’ll know what you want to see in your paper.

Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

Bubble Boy

WTF?! moment of the day: MSNBC’s Ed Schultz interrupts his own demand that we focus like a laser beam on healthcare to question the wannabe psychic neighbor of the Balloon Boy.

**UPDATE: Then his next guest sort of points that out:

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